Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Weekend in a Nut Shell

My weekend was busy and my injuries were slowing me down. I did get some productive things done and relaxed a bit. Here's it all in a nut shell-

N - Needed to rest more. Went to a party one night, had friends over another night. My knees are killing me today.
U - Uncluttered the front yard. My roommate helped me a bit with the heavier work. I replanted two bushes, put in three new ones, and put in watermelon and pumpkin seed. Got all three trellises put in, including one that I painted blue on Saturday. We got all the bags of dirt to the curb and a new veggie bed outlined.
T - Took My Bike in for service from the accident. Need new rear tire and 1 new shifter -- $200 estimate.

S - Sat through Madadascar with newphew, niece and family's foster child. Pretty good flick.
H - Hosted a small BBQ for friends on Sunday night. Had margaritas, chicken, baked beans (with bacon on top), rosemary potatoes (rosemary from my garden), salad (with aragula from my garden), stars and stripes mini funnel cakes, and bok choy with asparagus.
E - Errands - Post Office (for stamps and a Victoria's Secrety refund), Michael's (for mosiac tile supplies), Lowe's (Dirt, bags, and trellis holders), Eye Doctor (got new lenses in my glasses), Goodwill (donated extras from yard sale)
L - Looked over some job announcements and found I needed the internet to complete all of them. Hit a dead end.
L - Lost time in multiple discussions with my family this weekend, including my brother. He and his wife are divorcing he announced over the weekend. So, the family is in an uproar over what to do. None of us really liked her that much anyway. But, he is hurting.

Thanks for checking in on the nut shell of events.


At 2:31 PM EDT, Blogger wondy woman said...

Thank you very much for stopping by Corona Red !

Hmmmmmm Anakin wouldcertainly sway your allegiance to the Republic you are right!

Like you page, I'm going to have a proper squizz now !

Nice to meet you too !

At 2:31 PM EDT, Blogger wondy woman said...

Oh god how many exclamation marks did I just use?

I hate them - sorry !

At 5:30 AM EDT, Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

wow.. very clever!..loved this post...you can be sure ill be stealing this one!

At 8:55 AM EDT, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Mmmmmm...funnel cakes and margaritas! :)

Now I'm hungry! :)


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