Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Losing Weight - My Way!

While I tried to do this before, I am now making a sincere effort to exercise and lose weight. So how you may ask? Let me point out right away that I do not believe in diets! I don't believe in restricting any food. If I want an oreo, I can have an oreo.

On the weight loss side, I am:
1. Eating three meals a day, including as many veggies and as few carbs as I can stand.
2. Snacking - I am a snacker, but I am trying to make fat-free yogurt my afternoon snack instead of a candy bar.
3. Liquids - I am drinking more water and less soda. In fact unless the soda a C2, I won't drink it at all.
4. Old-Fashion Remedies - Several cups a day of tea, not black tea, just herbal.
5. Portion Control - Yes, I can have oreos, but two or three, not the whole package. And at restaurants, I never clean my plate.

On the exercise side, I am:
1. Biking - Bought my bike on Saturday and rode almost 6 miles Sunday. (Bike is awesome - 2005 Trek Hybrid 7500. Butt still a bit sore.) Will try to bike at least once a week.
2. Yoga - Started my yoga class last week. It's Hatha Yoga - never taken it before. Seems good so far.
3. Gym - Use it every Monday, Wednesday and Friday that I work. Went up there yesterday and lifted weights for about 30 minutes. Then, I walked on the treadmill for 8 minutes and then I used the elliptical runner for 12 minutes.

So will all of this make a difference?

We shall see. I realize that at 31 I am never going to look like a cheerleader, but I also know it won't get any easier the older I get. I figure since I am supposedly entering my sexual peak, it would be nice to look good enough to attract more sexual interest.

Plus, I am so tired of being a size 14. My mother was a size 14 my entire childhood. It's the biggest I've ever been and I really hate buying bottoms for that reason. There's nothing wrong with a 14 - I do know that. However, for me, I would just like to be a size 12 again. I am not looking to be rail thin.

So, these are the changes I am making.


At 12:30 PM EDT, Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

you go!!.. I am doing something along the same lines...a few years ago i devised myself a "skinny bitch" diet that helped shrink me by two dress sizes.. im back on that diet now, along with exercising and dancing round my kitchen..

At 2:26 PM EDT, Blogger Tara said...

Good luck to you. There is nothing wrong with being healthier for your own good. Let us know how it is going!

At 3:17 PM EDT, Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

just a thing I saw on Ms-Macs blog...i think a pushie means a push bike...

At 3:21 PM EDT, Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

oh and its nice that you are being realistic about your goals, a few pounds at a time instead of thinking you have 40 of them to lose (like me)...

but i would stay away from the biccies, i can't just eat one, i'd finish the packet...

keep us posted on your progress...i wish i had more willpower to start eating more healthy (i don't like the word diet either)...


At 3:03 AM EDT, Blogger Jennifer Wertkin said...

Good for you to want to get healthy. I'm glad you have a good attitude about it....nothing extreme, everything in moderation, working with the body type you have. Congratulations.

At 3:03 AM EDT, Blogger Jennifer Wertkin said...

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At 8:25 AM EDT, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

You're SO right about how it's hard to lose weight the older you get! I still have 10 pounds to lose and I just can't shake them!

Keep us posted on how it goes...I may start following your plan! :)

At 4:01 PM EDT, Blogger Corona Red said...

Thanks everyone!

And Extrodinary woman -- I'd love to see the "skinny bitch" diet. Is it on your blog?

So Progress Note - 4 days in a row of exercise this week so far.

Only 1 candy bar and 1 C2 so far.


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