Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Update on Home Renovation

Every book I read warned me that the last few weeks of the project are the most annoying. I seem to have found that to be true. I am just so ready for it to be done. This "we'll be done tomorrow" thing repeatedly has gotten tiredsome. I want to be finished - I want my life back. I feel like all I do is obsess about this house.

This weekend, my life revolved around the house. On Friday night, I brought down more boxes from upstairs and continued to unpack. I met up with Anne and did a quick swim at the local Rec Center. I went to Home Depot and made a big return. I also taped up the entire old living room space. I then started ripping out this ugly banister that I have wanted to get rid of. I also primed the walls and ceiling. I realized I left my "to do" list at work, so decided to drive in to work on Saturday. I participated in the AIDS walk in DC on Saturday and was able to park at my office building. Then, I spent some time at Lowe's -- a few returns. I stopped by the Halloween Store -- got a few decorations to light up the place. Also, I looked at Bed, Bath and Beyond, along with Target and Lowe's for trashcans -- of course, the ones I like are over $80. They are just trashcans -- I just can't see spending that much. I then finished up the banister and started patching it. I did some more patching on the walls in the hallway. Then, I painted the ceiling in the old living room. The drawers and cabinets in the kitchen are now all filled with some items. And I was even able to move a few items up from the basement.

On Monday, I painted the walls of the old living room. I know I need to do another coat on the ceiling, but I figured at least this way, I am getting closer to appearing done. Also, I am almost out of ceiling paint. I got up some of the Halloween decorations. I got all the trash out -- took up half of the sidewalk strip out in front of the house -- I couldn't believe how much trash there was. I also swept the entire first floor twice. I need to buy a new Swiffer -- mine got trashed.

I also took Duchess (my cat) the vet on Monday. Last week, she ate a floor nail - a 3 inch curved one. She threw it up, but didn't continue vomiting, so I thought she was okay. However, she hasn't been eating much lately, so I wanted to get her checked out. Over $200 later and we think she has scratched her throat. The vet took blood so I am waiting on those results still.

After the vet, I came back and worked on the bathroom for a bit - hand and knees scrubbing the floor. It was a bit disgusting -- been awhile since it got a good clean. I cleaned up and decided to make a quick run to the mall -- I have a wedding on Saturday and nothing to wear. No luck there - I was at the mall for an hour -- checked Macy's, Penney's, Vivace's and some other mall shop - nothing I remotely liked. Of course, the fact that I am up 10 pounds from where I was a few months ago might have something to do with it.

My contractor stopped by on Monday afternoon - asked what needed to be done. He tried to blame my floor guy for some problems. However, believe me the floor guy (my ex) had incentive to get his job right - plus, he's a major perfectionist. I still haven't seen the plumber in days. And my phone service is down for the whole house -- not sure why. My electrician did stop in yesterday. He isn't done, but was able to determine the problem with the phone comes directly from the box outside, so I called the telephone company. They are going to look at it sometime between yesterday and 6 p.m. on Wednesday. So, I'll have to keep monitoring that.

Well, I still have a ton to do. But, I am making progress. My Open House is only a few weeks away, so I am continuing to press on. I'll keep you posted.


At 10:20 AM EDT, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Damn...just READING all that made me tired. You are SO busy!!!

Hope Duchess is doing okay! :)

At 11:00 AM EDT, Blogger Ms Mac said...

I'm with the Peanut Queen, I am exhausted just from reading this post. But the house is looking great. You're gonna be so proud of yourself!

At 1:53 AM EDT, Blogger Jay said...

As you know, I hold you in the highest esteem for your perseverance in all of this. Just, wow.


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