Thursday, December 29, 2005

Survived the Holiday Madness

Well, I survived the 12 hour drive to my folk's house with my sister and her two kids. You know the kids weren't too bad - her yelling at them made me a bit crazy to be honest.

Scoop on the smoking - Even though I stayed at my parents' house which my dad smokes in, I didn't have one cigarette -- didn't even want to. It's been 20 days. I think this is really going to work!!

Scoop on the family - My brother has moved back home and is finally seeing someone who my cousin (who's met her) describes as nice, sweet, smart and fun. Sounds like a winner. My parents are good -- mom still makes me crazy, but dad does too. My younger sister's husband has been driving on a suspended license for months now -- just found this out. My dad's entire family came in - his siblings anyway. First time since my Papa died almost 10 years ago. They are the strangest bunch - one aunt doesn't believe in vaccination anymore; one cousin who is home schooling his unvaccinate children of the corn kids with his scary looking wife; one aunt who is so into her looks because she is afraid of losing her husband; two uncles who are just strange - one in a redneck way, one in a city slicker way; and one grandma who is so rude about other people it is unreal.

Scoop on the gifts - Not too bad. Got many items from my list, but somehow nothing spectacular. Usually there is one gift that I just adore and can't stop raving about. Not so much this year. I did get the clothes steamer I wanted, a few movies, Eddie Bauer pants (which are the wrong size, but I figure I can use them for inspiration pants), Victoria's Secret pajamas, Sudoku books, cute cat frame and toys, and some other items.

It was a good holiday overall.

I am looking forward to this weekend - not a single family obligation. I am hopefully going to see "Brokeback Mountain" tomorrow with some girlfriends.

For New Year's Eve, I got a bundle of tickets to see "Wicked" at the Kennedy Center - I can't wait. We're doing the total dress-up thing - floor length and all.


At 7:37 AM EST, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Still not smoking, huh? That's great!!! :)

And EVERY family has those "strange" family members! :)

At 10:12 AM EST, Blogger Jay said...

Congrats on keeping up the no smoking. How was the play?

At 3:29 PM EST, Blogger Tara said...

Keep up the good work with the smoking...that is great news :)


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